Average Savings
Traditional Mortgage vs. Lowtility

Same size house with a 660 credit score.

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Lowtility Mortgage


Traditional Mortgage

xcheck mark


$350k 20k (solar)


Sale Price

5% = $17,500

5% = $17,500

Down Payment

4.25% (4.482 apr)

3.75% (4.265 apr)


rates subject to change and can vary by customer, ltv, dti, Credit



Mortgage (PI) Payment



Mortgage Insurance



Power Bill


(saves customers $86/mo.
from month one)

Total Monthly Expense

Mortgage Payment (PI) + Utility Bill


$7,600 Fed: $6,000 + Utah: $1600

Tax Credit

Additional Benefits of Lowtility:
- Customer owns solar. No extra liens or payments.
- Including solar financing in the mortgage essentially means that the power bill payment is now helping pay down the mortgage. How? When solar is included in the mortgage, the interest and payments go to the mortgage instead of the power company.

If solar panels are on your wish list, this guide will keep you from picking the wrong financing company.
Download it today!

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